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 Quoi ? Ce point

Electroacousic music, by Eliane Aberdam

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2016 : Encounter (Computer Revenge, Between the Drops), for Pianist and Disklavier Recorded by Eric Ferrand N’Kaoua (June 17, 2016)
2010 : Seven Deadly Sins Commissioned by Margaret Frazier, for Voice and Electronics, premiered August 28th, 2010 at saint Luke's Church in East Greenwich, RI.
2011 : Completed the electronic part of
Triumphant Gems
2006 : ProJo Interactive Project for Slavery, March 2006
2002 : Tziltzulim, for tuba and electronics Premiered in New London CT, February 14, 2003
2000 : T, for electronically treated voices, after the poem T by Maurya Simon CMS North-East Chapter, April 2001, Lewiston ME. Connecticut College, 5th annual "Women in Music" concert, October 28, 2001
1996 : PaRDèS, for harp, percussions and electronics. Premiered at IRCAM, Paris, with the Ensemble Court-Circuit, January 19, 1997

Created by Daniel Aberdam. Thanks to Catherine Heyman for her help when building this site